For many years, the construction industry has been known as one of the biggest polluters on the planet. Thanks to its dependence on raw materials and natural resources, it is believed that the construction industry now generates close to 40% of the world's total carbon emissions. While many readers may believe that environmental sustainability is not possible in a field like construction, new surveys have shown a real commitment and push from industry leaders towards sustainability.
In the last five years, designers in engineering and construction have taken great strides in sustainability and nearly 47% of all companies reporting sustainability as a priority for their company. However, while many independent companies within construction and engineering state that environmental issues are a priority, industry supply chain and construction practices remain anything but sustainable.
Since its foundation in 1945, the Welty Building Company, an Ohio-based construction company, has shown its commitment to sustainability in both its selection of suppliers and daily practices. The Welty Building Company recognizes that incorporating sustainable practices into all phases of construction is a lofty goal but believes that this movement is not only necessary but can be attainable in just a few short years. In the following article, the Welty Building Company will review why sustainability is difficult to enforce in the construction industry and ways to incorporate sustainable practices into different aspects of construction.
Lack of Visibility in the Construction Industry
When looking at engineer and construction companies' sites, the majority of sites will display the company's written commitment to sustainability; however, very few follow through on these promises. One recent survey found that of the companies that state their committed to sustainability, few construction companies have completed any concrete steps towards this goal. Industry experts believe this is largely due to a lack of visibility in green construction practices. This is especially evident when it comes to sustainable sourcing of raw construction materials. Surveys have established that just 55% of all engineering and construction companies have significant or complete visibility into their suitability processed, but only 16% of companies have visibility into their suppliers. To see any real change in construction sustainability, we must promote more accountability from construction companies and supply chains by implementing better monitoring practices.
However, it is important to note that there are areas where construction is making progress in improving green practices. In 2021, a reported 58% of all construction firms have reduced their overall energy consumption, with some companies developing building materials that release lower carbon emissions and can absorb carbon dioxide from the environment.
Top Ways Construction Companies Can Work to Lower Carbon Footprint

Reduce Fuel Consumption
The construction industry heavily relies on heavy machinery and diesel-powered trucks that transport materials to and from different construction sites. As the burning of fossil fuels plays a major part in carbon emission and global warming, the construction industry must find a new energy source to power heavy machinery and transportation vehicles moving forward. Luckily, many manufacturers are pushing new varieties of hybrid gas-electric and electric vehicles designed to be an alternative to heavy construction machinery. In fact, the major machinery and car manufacturer Volvo became the first company to make this push when they announced that they would be discontinuing the manufacturing of diesel-powered excavators and wheel loaders in favor of their new green line of vehicles.
Better Waste Disposal Methods
Today, demolition accounts for nearly 90% of all waste in the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the construction and engineering industry produce nearly 530 million tons of waste each year, the majority of which is never recycled and instead remains in landfills. While it may be impossible for the construction industry to fully eliminate waste, it is crucial to count the industry's amount of waste and develop more effective ways to dispose of and recycle waste.
Sustainable Building Materials
One of the best ways to improve construction's environmental impact is to invest in sustainable materials, making buildings and structures more eco-friendly. Recycled materials are often listed in sustainable construction as they help reduce the amount of waste in landfills and are inexpensive, readily available, and highly reliable. Additionally, recycled building materials can make a building's demolition in future years more sustainable as well.
Builders looking for sustainable material suppliers must take the time to properly research and vet each supplier to ensure their production methods are truly green. This will reward companies who are environmentally conscious and ensure that carbon production is being reduced throughout all aspects of the industry and supply chain.