It’s been over five months since the governor declared a Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency in New Jersey. While much of our economy is back to something approaching normal, as we all know, for the most part we are living in a new reality. Despite that, I can’t say enough how proud I am of this City and our people.
Certainly we’ve had our struggles, anxieties, and times of frustration; but through it all we’ve stayed strong as a community of caring, compassionate people. I see it every day in the positive attitudes of folks I talk with all around town; in the helping hands that so many are ready to offer their friends and neighbors; and in the sincere kindness of so many of our citizens.
As we approach the middle of August, we are faced with other new realities. Our children – and their parents and guardians – will be challenged with remote virtual learning. Whether or not you have a child, this matter affects everybody. It literally involves the future of our next generation; and it directly impacts millions of households and workplaces throughout the nation in an immediate and often demanding way.
As we go forward, I encourage all of us to support our friends, family, and co-workers in meeting this challenge. Sometimes, the simplest of actions mean so much – a kind word, an encouraging comment, or just checking on how someone is doing – these little things often mean a lot.
Another thing about the virus – let’s not ease up on social distancing and face coverings when we can’t maintain proper distance from strangers. This doesn’t need to be a big deal, and it doesn’t need to be a debate – it’s just common sense and another way of looking out for each other.
Finally, I am happy to announce that our beach replenishment project is nearing completion. Beach-fill operations are currently between 90th and 93rd Street; and the contractor anticipates completing the project by this coming weekend.
I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we accomplished this vital project that provides us with critical shore protection and wide stretches of sand for all of our beachgoers.
Mayor Leonard Desiderio