Imagine this: you are a motorcycle rider taking a cross-country trip. Once you cross your state border, you reach a road with significantly heavy traffic; seeing that this could take a while to get across, you drive between two lanes to move forward. Soon, you are pulled over by cops, stating that you did something wrong, and you cannot figure out what.
Driving between two lanes on the road is called lane splitting. Lane splitting is a practice that has a lot of debates surrounding it. Lane splitting and filtering are practices that could get a rider in trouble.
To avoid risking safety, riders must know what lane splitting is, its risks and benefits, and if it is legal. This blog serves as a guide for riders to understand better lane splitting so they can make informed decisions.
What is Lane Splitting?
Lane splitting is when a motorcycle drives between two vehicles on the same line in moving traffic. It usually occurs when a motorcycle is on a crowded road. Drivers often do this to save time or maneuver through congested traffic.
Also, people often use the terms 'lane sharing' and 'lane filtering' interchangeably, but it is crucial to understand that each term has a different meaning and laws surrounding it.
Though such practices are quite common outside the United States, lane splitting is a commonly debated practice among safety experts, lawmakers, and riders.
Is Lane Splitting Legal?
Lane splitting has no federal laws that specify the practice as illegal. However, some states have laws that address the practice. Though most states do not have specific laws regarding lane splitting, there are instances when riders have been pulled aside for the same.
While states like Texas do not allow moving between two vehicles in any form, some states like Montana and Utah allow lane filtering but not lane splitting. California is the only state in the United States that has laws that legalize lane splitting. It is ideal to look into state laws before performing such acts.
Pros and Cons of Lane Splitting
The reason lane splitting is a controversial practice is because it has its pros and cons. Knowing them can help riders make informed decisions and stay safe. Let's look at some pros and cons of lane splitting.
Though lane splitting is a debated topic, it does have its pros and cons. As the practice has varied laws in every state, riders need to be aware of the state laws about the same. Riders must also take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
Whether legal or not, prioritizing safety, awareness, and responsible riding can help ensure a smoother and safer experience on the road.