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Are Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Reviews Accurate: Does Quick Fix Still Work In 2024?

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If you’re looking to pass a drug test with fake urine then Quick Fix is one of the first brands you’ll read about. But are Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine reviews accurate: is it going to pass? I’m going to cover everything you need to know right now. I’ll tell you what Quick Fix contains, and how likely it is to work for modern drug testing. I’ll give you the full Quick Fix instructions you need, and answer some common questions, such as does Quick Fix expire will go off? Plus, I’m going to go deeper than that. I’m going to compare Quick Fix to the most complex and expensive brand on the market, so that you can see if it stacks up, and whether spending that extra money is worth it. If you want to check out before we start, this is the high-quality synthetic urine I’m going to compare for you: 

What Is Quick Fix Plus?

Spectrum Labs are the company who make Quick Fix 6.3. They make two versions of this synthetic urine brand. The first is simply called Quick Fix 6.3, and the second is called Quick Fix Plus. Quick Fix contains 2 fluid ounces of premixed urine plus a heatpad. The only difference between it and Quick Fix Plus is that the Plus version contains 3 fluid ounces of the same urine. So in terms of the formula of the urine, it’s exactly the same. “Plus” does not mean you are getting better urine, just more of the same sort. The reason is that about 10 years ago some drug testing labs moved to only accepting a larger sample size, because they realized that pretty much all the fake urine brands contained 2 fluid ounces. So by asking for more, they screwed people up. That’s why you should only buy synthetic urine that contains at least 3 fluid ounces of liquid.

Quick Fix 6.3 Composition

You’ll read about the current composition of Quick Fix being formula 6.2, or even formula 6.3. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t really matter because the composition of Quick Fix is incredibly basic and hasn’t actually changed in a decade. My belief is that they increase the numbers on new batches simply to pretend that it’s getting more complex, and that they are responding to changes in drug testing. Let me explain more. This is the composition of Quick Fix:
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains the right amount of urea and uric acid
That’s all that Quick Fix contains. As human urine as always contain those things in the same balance ranges, what’s to fix? So it’s just a gimmick to increase the formula numbers. Also note that those are the only chemicals from urine that are found in Quick Fix. If the validity checks of a drug test look for anything other than creatinine, urea, or uric acid, then you will fail. This is in common, but more modern drug testing does occasionally look for other substances, like albumin (which makes urine frothy). Also, Quick Luck “sort of” looks like urine. Hold it up to the light though, and it doesn’t really look that convincing. I’ve read a blog post from a lab technician confirming that they hold samples up to the light to spot Quick Fix synthetic urine if they are suspicious, because it can have a slightly green look to it. Overall though, if you are facing a drug test and nothing else is looked for other than those basics, and it doesn’t attract more than cursory human scrutiny, then it could pass.

Quick Fix Instructions

So let’s say that you’re on a budget, don’t care about the drug test much, or can’t get hold of anything else, and the basic Quick Fix Plus is all you can grab for the day of your test. These are the instructions you need to follow:
  1. Quick Fix 6.3 is premixed, which is brilliant because it means you don’t have to hydrate it and this is a step some brands have to take because they arrive as a powder. So all we have to worry about is the temperature of the sample.
  2. Depending on the climate where you are, you may need to heat the sample in a microwave in 10 second bursts until you get a reading on the temperature strip. Make sure you shake it gently for about 20 seconds each time. When the temperature strip registers a temperature of between 90°F and 100°F, which is the legal temperature range for submitted urine, then you are good to go.
  3. Once you’ve got the sample within the correct temperature range, attach the air activated heatpad to the sample.
  4. Tuck the sample into your underwear in your crotch area. That way you’ll keep it warm, and because you won’t be intimately searched, it also disguises what are going to smuggle in. Wear baggy trousers or jogging bottoms to ensure that you completely disguise this fact.
  5. When you arrive, just before you go in, check the sample temperature. This is where the problem with brands like Quick Fix which rely on a heatpad starts. If it’s cooled, how do you heat it? For me, the solution is a flask of hot, not boiling, water. But that’s messy and you’ve got to be pouring hot water over it in the street, in a restroom, wherever, before ditching the flask and going in.

Does Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Expire & How Quickly Should You Use It?

If you’re going to follow the Quick Fix instructions I’ve just given you try and pass a drug test, then make sure you use Quick Fix as soon as you unwrap it. Quick Fix, like all fake urine, when exposed to air will start to deteriorate. Even if kept in the refrigerator it will start to deteriorate after about 12 hours, which all increases the chance of somebody spotting a problem.  But when you can open the bottle and use it just before you leave to submit your sample, why on earth would you do it earlier? What’s the point in exposing it the air, and then leaving it to spoil, or having to put it in the refrigerator? Just open the bottle, warm it, slap on the heatpad, and go and get it submitted as quickly as possible.

Does Quick Fix Work?

Does Quick Fix work? Well, the answer I’ve already given briefly is that yes it will pass a drug test. The more detailed answer is that Quick Fix could work sometimes. But it’s got a much higher failure rate than the more complex product that I’m going to talk to you about in a moment. That’s down to 3 key reasons:
  1. The heatpad could fail. What do you do if it does?
  2. The composition of Quick Fix is basic. If anything else other than the basics are looked for during validity checks, then it will fail.
  3. If a human gets suspicious and looks at the sample closely, then they will spot that it isn’t massively convincing as a real human urine sample.
To give you some sort of rough percentage here, Quick Fix will probably work about 70% of the time. But compare that to the brand I’m going to talk about in a moment, where we are talking closer to 95% of the time, and you can see there’s a gulf in quality to consider.

So Quick Fix Reviews Are False?

So Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine reviews telling you it’s the best out there will pass a drug test aren’t really being honest. But Quick Fix reviews like this one, saying that it is very basic, but still could work, but there are significant problems in hurdles, are far more honest and realistic. Overall, I’d only recommend you use Quick Fix Plus if you can’t get hold of anything else, you don’t really care about the drug test, or you simply can’t afford anything more than the $40 that Quick Fix Plus costs.

My Experiences Using Fake Urine To Pass Drug Tests

I just want to take a few words to explain to you why I’ve come to the conclusions I have about Quick Fix, and why I want to recommend something else.  Too many reviews for products like Quick Fix simply state the facts and not their own experimentation. The first drug test I passed using fake urine was a decade ago. A worthless weekend job for a fast food outlet. I used Quick Fix and I passed. But over the next few years, as I grew up and got myself sorted in life, jobs became more important, and reading online I could see Quick Fix probably wouldn’t cut it in the modern age. The last drug test I faced was just before the pandemic really got started. A promotion at work I knew would require a drug test. I also knew it would be an unsupervised test. I settled on Sub Solution. It’s made by Clear Choice, and was the predecessor to Quick Luck. It’s everything that Quick Luck is, but it’s not premixed. So for any future drug test, for the sake of an extra $15, for the convenience of not messing around mixing powder with filtered water, then Quick Luck is the obvious weapon of choice because of its sheer convenience and complexity. For me, any other conclusion means that you are not purely focused on spending the money needed to get the highest percentage chance of passing.

These Are The Characteristics Of Fake Urine That Will Pass A Drug Test

You now know exactly what the composition of Quick Fix is, and its limitations as well. So by way of comparison, here are the characteristics I feel are the bare minimum you need to pass a modern drug test:
  • Must at least look like human urine
  • Must contain the right proportions of urea and uric acid
  • Must contain the correct proportion of creatinine
  • Must contain at least a couple of other common chemicals found in urine
  • Should be balanced well for pH and specific gravity
  • Shouldn’t rely purely on a heatpad
You may be surprised to know that those simple criteria knock out most of the fake urine brands out there, including Quick Fix. That’s why it’s an almost simple decision to make the right choice.

Best Fake Urine To Pass A Drug Test: Quick Luck

Clear Choice Quick Luck is the best fake urine on the market. It’s not cheap, but you get so much more for your money than you do with Quick Fix (don’t get them confused). These are the characteristics of Quick Luck:
  • Balanced for specific gravity and pH
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains a total of 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to maintain temperature
With the knowledge you have now, you can see that this is a “wow” list compared to the minimum requirements, and when compared to the characteristics of Quick Fix. The amount of chemicals in it will get it through even slightly more advanced validity checks (validity checks are actually very basic). A human will look at it and see that it looks, froths, and even smells like human urine. The “sniff test” that some lab technicians claim is done on suspicious samples would be passed. Plus, crucially, it gets around the problem of submitting the sample outside the correct temperature range, which is the biggest single reason why people submitting fake samples fail. That solution to the heat problem is called heat activator powder, and it’s what is used by Quick Luck as its primary heat maintenance source, rather than heat ads, even though it also comes with a pair of optional high-quality heatpads.

How To Use Quick Luck To Pass A Drug Test

So you can see how simple it is to use Quick Luck to pass a drug test, these are the easy instructions you need to follow:
  1. Because Quick Luck is premixed there’s no preparation, which is the same as Quick Fix. No need for microwaves, or even heatpads (the only reason to use the heatpads included with Quick Luck is if you are in a very cold climate and want to pre-warm it slightly while you travel).
  2. The first task you have before you leave is to work out how you will smuggle the sample in. This is really simple as the drug test will be unsupervised. Simply tuck it in your crotch area inside your underwear, and put on baggy trousers to disguise this completely. Really easy to do, and you won’t be intimately touched during any search (most people aren’t searched at all).
  3. When you get to the venue, just before you walk in, it’s time to sort out the temperature. This is where the magic of the heat activator powder comes into play.
  4. Simply check the strip on the side of the urine vial, and as long as there’s not a reading (and obviously as long as the outside temperature isn’t above 100°F in which case you have to cool the sample down to just below this), then you’re going to tap in about one third of the heat activator powder to raise the temperature. Shake it gently until it dissolves, and don’t worry because it is undetectable.
  5. Keep watching the temperature strip for about one minute. If there’s no reading, simply tap in a little more heat activator powder and repeat the process until you get a good reading close to 100°F but not above that.
  6. Conceal the sample on you, dispose of the heat activator powder, and get inside and submit your sample fast.
As you can see, it’s really simple to use Quick Luck, because you’ve got the benefit of the triple lock that will keep you safe:
  • Heat activator Powder removes temperature risk
  • Your sample will pass close human scrutiny
  • The complexity will pass the validity checks
Put all that together, and Quick Luck gives you an unbeatable chance of passing a drug test using fake urine. Compare that Quick Fix reviews which tell you it’s the best, and you can see that they really aren’t telling you the truth in this modern digital drug testing age.

Where To Buy Clear Choice Quick Luck

I hope this Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine review has been helpful to you. Let me just tell you that it’s not totally useless. But it’s only really usable if it’s a drug test you don’t care about, you can’t afford Quick Luck, or you simply can’t get your hands on Quick Luck at the time of the test. Quick Luck isn’t cheap. It costs $100 for the kit, compared to the $40 at the Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine kit. But you’re getting so much more for your money, as I hope you can now see. Quick Luck is only available direct from Clear Choice, the company who make it. It’s available for $100 through their webstore at test negative.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine FAQ

How Long Is Quick Fix Good For After Opening Quick Fix is good for up to 24 hours if kept in a refrigerator. In ambient temperatures it’s closer to 8 hours. There’s really no need to open it early. Prepare about 90 minutes before your test, and then leave straight away to submit your sample. Doing this removes any risk of it spoiling and being spotted. How To Use Quick Fix Without A Microwave The best way to use Quick Fix without a microwave is to use hot, but not boiling, water. Put the sample under or in hot water and watch the temperature strip until you get a reading. Note that body heat will get the sample close to 90°F alone, if you keep the sample against your skin. So the heatpad should take the temperature within the correct range, as they are designed to only kick out a small amount of heat for several hours. How Much Is Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Quick Fix synthetic urine costs only $30 for the standard size. The “plus” size, which is exactly the same but contains an additional fluid ounce of synthetic urine, costs $40. Although that sounds cheap, you have to understand the quality of Quick Fix is poor. It can pass a drug test, but if any additional scrutiny or checks are done, then it will not pass them. Is There Fake Quick Fix Urine? Many years ago there may well have been fake Quick Fix urine. However, it’s such a poor quality budget brand now that it’s not much sought after at all. It’s simply not worth people’s time to make a fake. Quick Luck is a different matter, because it’s a much better quality product, which is why I would always recommend you only buy it direct from Clear Choice. Can Quick Fix Get Too Hot? Yes, Quick Fix can get too hot. It depends how hot your body is, whether the heatpad kicks out the right heat, and what the climate is like where you are. All you can do is monitor the temperature strip and use cold water if necessary. How To Read Quick Fix Plus Temperature Strip Urine samples have to be between 90°F and 100°F legally. The temperature strip is on the side of the bottles of all synthetic urine registers temperatures between those ranges. The first thing is to make sure it’s not too warm already and isn’t showing a reading. Then, warm it up until the temperature strip shows a color on it up to the temperature it is. What Happens If You Overheat Quickfix? If you overheat QuickFix it will be too hot. Therefore, you will have to let it cool, and accelerate this with cold water if you have access to some. What Is Quick Fix Synthetic Urine For? Quick Fix synthetic urine is for passing a urine sample drug test. However, it’s not the best brand you can use, and Quick Luck from Clear Choice is a far superior product. How Many Times Can You Use Quick Fix Urine? You can only use Quick Fix urine once. Any excess should be disposed of. Where Do You Put Quick Fix Urine? Quick Fix urine comes in its own container. You simply attach the heatpad, and then tuck it into your underwear in your crotch area to keep it as close to body temperature as possible until the time you have to submit it stop Is Synthetic Urine Sterile? Synthetic urine is not sterile. It contains preservatives that keep bacterial growth at bay. But it is not a genuinely sterile product, nor does it need to be for the purposes of the analysis it would face during a drug test. What Is The pH Of Artificial Urine? Good quality artificial urine falls within exactly the same pH and specific gravity ranges as human urine. This can obviously vary within a range, and companies who make the urine ensure that it falls within that range so that it passes drug testing validity checks. How Reliable Is Synthetic Urine Synthetic urine is very reliable as long as you pick a quality brand that closely mimics human urine. Quick Luck is the brand of choice because it’s the most complex on the market, and has the complete physical characteristics of human urine, even containing albumin so it froths when shaken. It also uses heat activator powder, which means that you can submit it within the correct temperature range with ease. By Chris Bates

Chris Bates


Saturday, February 22, 2025


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