On the agenda of today’s City Council meeting was award of a contract to reconstruct several roads in the City. This follows up on previous installation of water and sewer infrastructure in these locations. With this project, the City will have half a dozen projects under construction this fall, with many more in the planning and design stage.
We’ve gone through a spring and summer of the COVID pandemic, but our continuing program to maintain and improve our public assets and infrastructure has not missed a beat. In the next few months, we’ll be working on the 2021 budget, along with the five-year capital plan.
As we come out of hurricane season and head into nor’easter season, I want to assure everyone that flood mitigation and drainage improvements remain a top priority for the administration. We are in the process of planning for the next pump stations to be constructed in the City; and we intend to incorporate one of these pumping stations into our planning for the future Community Center on Park Road.
As we head into the fall – and flu season – I’d like to remind everyone to get a flu vaccination. As our medical professionals work to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus, we can still protect ourselves by taking this small, but important preventive measure.
We’ve done a great job as a community getting through a year like no other, and I couldn’t be prouder. So, once again, I ask everyone to remember that we are all one Sea Isle City – and together we will be stronger than ever.
Mayor Leonard Desiderio