We are in day 53 of the current “stay at home” governor’s executive orders; but we are gradually opening the doors to our City. As everyone is aware, this past weekend, we opened the beaches and promenade to limited access, consistent with the governor’s orders. I understand the frustration over some of the limitations, but please know that these are in place to best help us ensure that we avoid a shutdown similar to what occurred in Corson’s Inlet Park beach just 10 days ago.
Along with freeholder Will Morey, I continue to co-chair the County-Wide Recovery Initiative, and I’m pleased to announce that our proposal to the governor has been met with a great sense of urgency, and we’re confident more sectors of our economy will quickly be phased into operation again. In fact, we have a conference call with the governor’s office this afternoon to discuss the recovery initiative, so I hope to have more positive news following that.
What also further inspires my confidence is that this evening we have a conference call with Governor Murphy, who will be speaking with several shore communities along the Jersey coast. We will use this opportunity to advocate for the critical need to open our businesses that rely so much on such a short window of opportunity. At the same time, we remain in agreement with the governor’s prior statement that in order to restore economic health, we must first promote public health.
In City business, yesterday we opened parking permits up for sale, and in one day sold 265 seasonal permits, which is a good sign that there is confidence in the coming season.
Tomorrow, beach tag distribution will start from the Welcome Center, and will continue seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. However, the public is asked to afford senior citizens and veterans the courtesy of exclusive access to the Beach Tag Office between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. from Monday through Friday throughout the month of May. The beach tags will be distributed through two exterior windows next to the Welcome Center’s front doors.
Finally, I’ll say this again and I’ll keep saying it as long as we are in this: Stay safe, stay well, remain optimistic; and remember – we are all one Sea Isle City and together we will be stronger than ever.
Mayor Leonard C. Desiderio