Maria Garcia, Gino Brizzi, Anthony Gerace and Adan Ramiriz of Marsini’s Kitchen with some of the dinners they prepared to be delivered for free to those in need as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.
“We got the word out on social media,” Carlo said. “We got lists of people and addresses. We really wanted to help out the elderly and those who do not have the ability to get out to the store or to buy food. People came together to put us in touch with people in that situation.”
The group organized a team of helpers who volunteered to deliver and the idea was off and literally running as of Saturday. The restaurant prepared and distributed more than 30 baked ziti dinners on Saturday. Marsini noted they would be making spaghetti and meatballs for Sunday. “Each meal is really a lot of food,” he said. “For many people, each meal could really last from two to four days.” Marsini said all of the restaurant staffers involved in the project have experienced the warmth that comes from giving to those less fortunate. But the feedback they have received has made those feelings even more intense. “The people who are receiving the food have been so nice to us. They have been so grateful,” Marsini added. “It has been an absolute outpouring of gratitude.”