I hope everyone has been enjoying the recent mild weather. Even though it hasn’t been very “winter-like” as of late, rest assured that our municipal employees are in full “winter mode” and are making plans to ensure that 2020 is a year that won’t disappoint.
In addition to the usual business of planning the year ahead, we are also currently undertaking a great deal of road and utility work around town – in addition to several other municipal projects that will greatly enhance our community.
I appreciate everyone’s patience while driving through Sea Isle City, and I remind all motorists to be aware of our speed limits – and to be on the lookout for work crews who are improving our infrastructure and repairing our roadways.
In addition to our annual improvement projects, we are also anxiously awaiting the arrival of the dredge that will pump sand onto our shoreline later this spring. Sea Isle City’s upcoming Beach Replenishment Project will nourish our beaches from approximately 28
th to 52
Street and 74
th Street to Townsends Inlet.
When the work is completed, we will have more sand for beach-goers to enjoy and we will also have a more secure community that is better prepared to withstand tidal surges and strong coastal storms.
Keep an eye on the “Project Updates” section of this E-Newsletter for more information about our beach replenishment efforts and the other ways we continually strive to make Sea Isle City a sound and well-maintained shore town.
Looking ahead, even though it’s winter, there are several events that are certainly worth mentioning, including a special fundraiser that’s happening on Saturday night, hosted by many of Sea Isle’s past Polar Bear Kings and Queens. I am told that this event, which benefits the Mike’s Seafood Run-Walk for Autism, will feature great music, delicious food and plenty of chances to walk home with wonderful prizes.
So, I hope you’ll be in town this weekend to support this important cause and enjoy a great night out on the town. Please see the special section of this newsletter for more details about Saturday night’s fundraiser.
And speaking of Polar Bear Kings and Queens, mark your calendars now for this year’s Polar Bear Plunge Weekend, which takes place February 14, 15 and 16. In addition to being a great opportunity to “shake the winter blues” and have fun with family and friends, the long President’s Day Weekend is also Valentine’s Day Weekend, which is the perfect time to take your sweetheart by the hand and make memories that will last a lifetime in Sea Isle City – even if you decide not to run into the Atlantic Ocean during the plunge!
To learn more about Polar Bear Plunge Weekend and the many other events that are coming your way in 2020, simply go to
www.VISITSICNJ.com. It’s the only website you need when you are in search of local event information.
Smile … You’re in Sea Isle!
Mayor Leonard C. Desiderio