On September 18, the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission distributed 2016 Beautification Awards to local property owners who have improved or maintained the appearance of their homes. Shown receiving awards are (from left) Dennis Painter (accepting for the Sturgis family, 2315 Landis Avenue), Chris Pigeon (217 - 43rd Street), Vicki Feeney (accepting for the Sea Isle City Department of Public Works, which recently improved the grounds of Sea Isle City Library), Karyn Reade and Craig Jenks (209 – 48th Street), and Chris and Gerald Donohue (225 – 56th Street). Also shown are (from left) Environmental Commission member Eleanor Moore, Environmental Commission Chairperson Annette Lombardo, and Beautification Award organizer Dudley McGinty.

Each year, the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission presents Beautification Awards to local property owners, who have improved or continually maintained the appearance of their home or business. This year, eight Beautification Awards were distributed in September during the Fall Family Festival.
During a brief ceremony, Environmental Commission representatives presented the awards to the Sturgis family (2315 Landis Avenue, South Unit); the Pidgeon family (217 - 43
rd Street); the Anderson family (208 - 46
th Street); the Reade & Jenks family (209 - 48
th Street, east unit); the Siitonen family (117 - 53
rd Street), the Donohue family (225 - 56
th Street) and the Straub family (42 - 72nd Street, west unit). Each recipient also received a gift certificate to Sea Grove Nursery in Ocean View.

Seven local property owners and the City’s Department of Public Works received 2016 Beautification Awards from the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission
A 2016 Beautification Award was also presented to the Sea Isle City Department of Public Works for the recent improvements they made at the Sea Isle City branch of the Cape May County Library, located at 4800 Central Avenue, where new grass, trees, an irrigation system and other enhancements were installed earlier this year.

Chris and Gerald Donohue (holding plaque) were among seven home owners who recently received 2016 Beautification Awards from the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission. They are shown during the award ceremony on September 18 with Beautification Award organizer Dudley McGinty.
“There was a very nice group of entries in this year’s competition – well over thirty properties were submitted for our consideration,” said Beautification Award organizer Dudley McGinty. “Traditionally, we give awards to properties that have not received one in the past, but this year we decided to honor a family that had received a prior Beautification Award, because their home looks as good today as it did over a decade ago.”
“Our thanks go to all of the property owners in Sea Isle City who help beautify our town,” added Mr. McGinty. I’d also like to thank the four Beautification Award committee members, who did the judging and make this annual event a reality.”

The Anderson home, located at 208 – 46th Street, was among seven local properties that received 2016 Beautification Awards from the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission on September 18.
To learn more about the Sea Isle City Environmental Commission, phone